Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia

New York was amazing.

It wasn't the friendliest place, but it had a certain beauty to it. Not in the traditional sense, perhaps, but still beautiful. The skyscrapers made the place larger than life and the constant flow of people made the city feel truly alive. She'd never been in a city this big before.

She sat on a bench, examining the photos she'd already taken on her phone. At this rate, she was going to run out of space on her phone from taking pictures of everything and anything. She must have looked like such a tourist which, honestly, was appropriate. She'd spent most of the day in Manhattan and was currently relaxing in the middle of central park. She wasn't used to big cities, so sitting in a park was kind of relaxing compared to how the rest of the day had been.

Scotland The Brave - Alasdair Kirkland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. A guid man can make ye feel strong, sexy n' invincible. Wait.oops, it's whiskey. Whiskey makes ye feel strong, sexy. Jack Russell dei Due Leoni, Suno. Amore per la selezione del Jack Russell Terrier a pelo liscio, broken e ruvido.

She'd heard a lot about central park, but it really didn't do the place justice. There were horse-drawn carriages, boat rides, bands playing lively music, and the place was full of people on the weekend. It was really amazing! She still needed a good picture of the Statue of Liberty and to cross the Brooklyn Bridge but even without them, trip had been worth it.

However, the day's events had left her exhausted.

After letting out a long weary sigh she stood and decided it was time to head back to the hotel.


An earsplitting screech stopped her in her tracks. The sound of splashing and sputtering pulled her gaze over to the water where someone was flailing in the pond!

'Ger- Blah! Agh! Aiuto! AIUTO!'

Oh crap, can he not swim!?

She looked around, everyone was just staring at the poor guy. Wasn't anybody going to help him? She groaned and tossed her bag to the ground and kicked off her shoes, with barely a hint of hesitation she jumped into the water. Within a few strokes, she reached the screaming man, grabbing his arm.

'Calm down!' Honestly, the water wasn't even that deep. 'Relax, already! I've got you!'

The man seemed to get the picture and grabbed onto her for dear life as she pulled him on to the shore. He sputtered and gasped looking like a drowned kitten or something else that was equal parts cute and pathetic. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she tracked down her purse and shoes, pleased to see they hadn't been stolen.

Before she could turn around arms enveloped her from behind in a tight hug. 'Thank you! La ringrazio molto! Grazie gentile signora!'

He was Italian? 'D-di niente.' That was you're welcome, wasn't it? Her Italian was rusty. Let's see if he speaks more English. 'Are you okay?'

'Yes! At least...I think so... I...' He looked around, looking lost and confused.

'Are you lost?'

He nodded. 'I think so. I can't find Germany... and Prussia... I was with... where...?'

Germany? Prussia?

For the first time, she took a long look at his clothing. He wore a greyish, almost turquoise, blue outfit with matching breeches, a black shirt, and tie, tall boots with white cuffs. It looked kind of like a military uniform. He was... actually pretty cute with light brown eyes and brown hair...

That's when she noticed the curl.

A single small curl that seemed to defy gravity.

Ribelle the brave italy hetalia characters

'Oh... oh! I get it!' She laughed out loud.

The man laughed too, though he was obviously confused. 'What's so funny?'

'I just, wow, that's a great cosplay! That's the best Italy cosplay I've ever seen!'

The man looked puzzled, his brow furrowing. 'Cosplay? What do you mean?'

Okay, this was getting weird. 'You know... cosplay, like a costume... for Hetalia.'

'I don't understand. I am Italy.' He started shaking looking like he was going to start crying.

Aw crap. There must be some kind of language barrier. 'Do... you do need some help? Want me to call someone?'

'I... I don't...'

It was then she noticed people staring at them. Suddenly feeling very self-conscious she looked to the fidgeting Italian. He really looked scared and lost. She should probably just go... but his eyes were brimming with tears now.

She sighed, helplessly. 'Why don't you come with me? We'll find your friends.'

His eyes lit up. 'You'll help me?'

Blushing lightly, she shrugged and nodded. 'Y-yeah, sure.'

She was hugged again, very tightly.

'Thank you!'

'N-no problem! D-don't worry about it!' There had to be somewhere she could buy a towel or something. 'My name's Skylar by the way... Skylar Smith.'

'That's your name?' He asked innocently.

She shrugged. 'Yeah...'

'Wow! That's amazing!' He grabbed her hand and gave her a charming smile. 'Un bel nome per una bella signora.'

Her face flushed at the compliment but decided to laugh it off. His accent really did sound authentic, though. 'So, what do I call you?' She hoped for his real name.

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia

'I'm Italy!' He declared, looking obliviously happy with himself. 'But, if you like, you can call me Feliciano!'

Skylar frowned. That was what the creator of Hetalia said Italy's human name would be. This guy was pretty dedicated. 'Uh, okay. Whatever. Feliciano it is.' She squeezed her shirt, causing water to seep out of the fabric. 'So, let's get dried off. Then you can tell me what happened to your friends.'

Italy nodded. 'Okay! I'm really hungry! Maybe we can make pasta!'

This guy was really dedicated.

At the same time, she had to admit...

This sounded like fun.

They did manage to find buy some towels to dry themselves off, then they found a place to sit outside after buying some pretzels.

'Do you remember what you were doing before you fell in the water?' Skylar asked.

Feliciano shook his head. 'I... was going to a party? With Germany...' He didn't sound so sure. Maybe he'd hit his head on the way into the water.

'That's okay. We'll figure it out.' She offered him the towel she'd bought, which he gladly took and ran it over his hair. 'Does your head hurt?' She asked.

He paused then closed his eyes, as if contemplating, before flashing a happy smile. 'No, I don't think so!'

'Okay... good...'

His head lulled to the side. 'Does your head hurt?'

'Uh, no. I'm good.' What was the deal with this guy? 'So, you were on your way to a party, do you remember whose party it was or where the party was?' If it was nearby, maybe his friends would still be there.

'It was... It was England's party... at his house.' His face suddenly lit up. 'That's right! And he had really yummy food! None of that bland English crap! He even had pasta and-'

He cut off, mid-sentence, eyes going wide in what could only be horror. 'Prussia... Prussia was bleeding.'

A shiver when down Skylar's spine. 'I... what?'

Italy shot to his feet. 'Prussia was stabbed by... he was bleeding! I- the light! I don't- I have to-'

Skylar stood, grabbing his hand. He seemed serious about this. 'Hey, it's okay. Calm down.'

To his credit, Feliciano actually seemed to take a few breaths.

'Your friend was hurt? He was bleeding?'

Feliciano nodded, looking pale.

She shook her head, mind racing. Was he telling the truth? Was his friend really stabbed? What kind of party did this guy go to? 'Then, maybe he's at the hospital.' She supplied feeling a little uneasy.

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia Full

Feliciano blinked and stared at her for a few seconds with a look of wonder. 'Wow Skylar! You're really smart!'

Ribelle the brave italy hetalia pictures

She shook her head; this guy was something else... 'Let's go to a hospital nearby and see if he's been checked in.'

Italy nodded enthusiastically. 'Let's go!' He started running down the street, cheering.

How does he know the way?

Like clockwork, Feliciano stopped and turned to look at her. 'Where's the hospital?'

Skylar smiled despite herself and pulled out her phone. 'Let's find out.'

They had to take a taxi to the hospital. Feliciano practically bouncing the whole way and by the time they reached the hospital, he was a nervous wreck. His anxiety was getting to Skylar, too. This guy better not be pulling some stupid stunt on her.

They reached the front desk and a receptionist smiled pleasantly at them. 'Can I help you?'

Skylar cleared her throat if this was a prank it was in really poor taste. 'We're looking for his friend. He was probably admitted wearing a white wig or dyed hair and red contacts. I think he was stabbed?'

The receptionist frowned. 'Do you know his name?'

'Uh...' She looked to Italy.

'Gilbert Beilschmidt.' Feliciano muttered quietly.

Skylar frowned and glared at the ridiculous little Italian. This was unbelievable. That was Prussia's human name from the show.

'Can you spell that for me?' She asked.

As Felciano spelled the name Skylar couldn't help grinding her teeth, humiliation causing her stomach to sink. It was a prank. She looked like a complete idiot. Who the hell would be stupid enough to believe this? Her, apparently. She was too gullible for her own good.

The receptionist turned away from the computer screen. 'Well we don't have anyone by that name... but... let me call in. One moment, please.'

Skylar pulled Feliciano away as the receptionist dialed a number. 'You're taking this too far.' She hissed in his ear, not wanting to get the woman's attention.

Feliciano just looked confused. 'What do you mean?'

'Lying to that receptionist.' As if it weren't obvious. 'To me!'

'When did I lie to you?' He asked, looking like the pure picture of innocence. 'Oh! I know! I said we could make pasta! I'm sorry!'

She was about to tell him to cut the crap when the receptionist put down the phone. 'A man with white hair was checked in a few hours ago. He had a stab wound in his hip with no identification. He's unconscious from blood loss.'

Skylar's jaw dropped.

'Is he okay?' Feliciano asked, voice wavering.

The receptionist nodded. 'He's stabilized but it's hard to say when he'll regain consciousness.'

'Um... can I leave my number with you and you can contact us when he wakes up?'

She nodded. 'Yes, thank you.'

Hands shaking, she wrote down her name and number and handed it off to the receptionist.

Her head was spinning as she and Feliciano left the hospital.

'What do we do now, Skylar?'

She looked to Feliciano's grim face then shrugged. 'I... I guess if you really don't have anywhere to go... you can...' This was insane. 'Come stay with me tonight. I've got a hotel room...'

Feliciano smiled hopefully. 'Really? Can I?'

She nodded, resigning herself to the fact that she was a gullible, hopeless, loser. 'Of course.'

'You really are nice. You're like the nicest person ever!'

Skylar laughed, half halfheartedly. 'Nah... It's nothing...'

Feliciano babbled all the way back to the hotel, but Skylar wasn't really listening. Just nodding and 'Uh-huh'ing. She was more or less silent all the way to her hotel room.

'Here it is...' She motioned to the door, grabbing her card key.

'Are you okay?' Skylar found Feliciano staring into her eyes, concern etched on his face.

She nodded, looking away. 'Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Just... tired.'

He nodded and yawned. 'Yeah~ me too!'

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia

She unlocked the door and let him in first, switching on the light. 'There's only one bed so-'

'I can sleep on the floor.' Feliciano called out as he ran inside.

'Oh, are you sure?'

He nodded. 'Uh-huh!'


She was rather grateful he offered it first. Taking the blanket, she placed it on the ground, half for him to lay on half to cover him, beside the bed with the extra pillow. 'Are you sure it'll be comfortable enough?'

Feliciano crawled into the blanket, having already removed his jacket, pants, boots and socks. 'It's great! It'll be like when I visit Japan's house!'

If nothing else she had to admire his optimism. 'R-right.'

She grabbed her pajamas and headed for the bathroom. Closing the door behind her she proceeded to freak out.

What the hell had she done!? She let a complete stranger sleep in her apartment! And why? Because he looked and acted like a character from an anime she used to watch!? What the hell was wrong with her? She splashed cold water on her face trying to calm herself down. He could be a crazy person! He could be a murderer for all she knew! How stupid could you get? She must be out of her mind!

...and yet...

He seemed so... nice, so genuine, and not once had he broken character. He looked and sounded and acted just like Italy... but it wasn't possible! She was just as crazy as he was if she actually believed...

Carefully she opened the door to the room and peeked through the crack...

She heard soft breathing in the other room. He couldn't already be asleep, could he?

Closing the door and locking it she stepped into the shower and quickly rinsed off, brushed her teeth, got dressed. She peaked out the door again and saw Feliciano exactly where she'd left him. It reminded her of the episodes where Italy would sneak into Germany's bed.

Sighing, she slipped back into the other room and crawled under the sheet and turning off the light next to her bed.

She had trouble sleeping that night, her mind was racing all night...

It couldn't be real...


Do any of you remember the string of movies/TV shows that had weird fantasy stuff (trolls, dinosaurs, enchanted dogs, etc) came from another world and ended up in New York for some reason?

Me neither.

Also, plot twist! Hetalia characters in the real world!

And yes an OC. I know, Second Players AND an Original Character? Practically Hetalia fanfiction suicide. XD (Since both of those kinds of stories tend to be... not very good.)

Sorry if that's a deal-breaker when it comes to sticking with the story. I'll do my best for her not to be too annoying. Oh, and no romance either. :)

Translations: (If incorrect, please let me know)

La ringrazio molto! Grazie gentile signora!: 'Thank you very much! Thank you nice lady!'

Un bel nome per una bella signora: 'A pretty name for a pretty lady'

A/N: Just a little thing I wrote for feels friday when I should have been working on DYSRM. Oops.

Veneziano shut the door behind him, trying to make as little sound as possible. The room was dark as the thick shades had been drawn over the window, blocking out the bright afternoon light. His eyes fell on the cold bowl of pasta that stood on the bedside table, untouched. A flicker of disapproving worry clouded his normally sunny features for a moment, but the Italian forced himself to smile as he walked over to the bed. 'You should eat, fratellone. You'll fall sick if you don't.'

The man in the bed was the exact spitting image of him, though his hair was a shade darker, and his pallor a shade paler. When he shifted and opened his eyes, he revealed another disparity. Dull olive green eyes stared unseeingly at Veneziano before Romano turned away. 'Stupido fratellino,' he muttered, his voice quivering with the effort of speaking. 'I'm already sick.' Veneziano's frowned, but he didn't saying anything about it.

'You'll get better,' He assured, trying to keep his voice from shaking too much. 'Are you comfortable? Do you want anything?' Veneziano was fussing about, adjusting the sheets and setting things straight, trying to give himself something to do. The feather-light touches and rustling began to annoy Romano, rousing him every time he was about to drift off into sleep. He was feeling dizzy, slightly disoriented, and the elder Italian wanted nothing but to escape into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia Movie

Finally he snapped, 'Just get in!' Veneziano froze where he was, staring incomprehensively at his brother. Sighing, Romano held up a corner of the blanket and gestured impatiently, 'It's almost time for your siesta, right? Get in and sleep.' Veneziano grinned and slid quickly onto the mattress, tugging the sheet up so that it reached his chin. 'Don't expect me to be this nice all the time, got that? It's just for today!'

'Ve, okay!' Veneziano yawned, 'Grazie, fratello.' It didn't take long for his eyes to flutter shut, and his breaths to deepen. Romano watched him sleep, fighting the urge to dose off. Even in the darkness, he could see the shadows under his eyes and the crease on his brows. The last few years had been hard on them both, with his struggling economy and the acqua alto over in Venice. Veneziano had done his best, covering up what he couldn't handle and supporting him with his smiles. Back then, Romano hadn't wanted to acknowledge him, but now he couldn't imagine being Italy without his brother.

Oh, Italy.

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia Characters

When he was gone, Veneziano would be fine. Even if he couldn't handle everything at once, there would be that potato loving bastard to help him. Most of them already called him Italy anyway, never just Veneziano. It was always Italy, Italy, Italy. What about him? It seemed that they only knew him as Romano. 'I'm Italy too!' He thought belligerently. As a sudden spasm rocked his body, all the indignance drained out of him. Not anymore, the ache in his chest reminded him, he wouldn't be Italy for much longer. His eyes drifted over to his brother yet again. Veneziano hadn't let it show, but the acqua alto was getting worse every year. He hid it so well that not even those Axis allies of his knew. But Romano could tell, he could feel the echoes of the liquid that pooled in his lungs, of waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for breath but finding none. There would always be that connection between them which Veneziano couldn't hide. He was brave, and also too selfless for his own good. At least their unification would do him some good- the younger Italian's suffering would be alleviated.

Ribelle The Brave Italy Hetalia Fanfiction

Everything was set. All the loose ends had been tied up, and even though he was going to die, Italy would survive. With that thought in mind, Romano reached for his brother's hand and fell asleep.

Hours later, Italy woke up alone, one hand outstretched over an empty space, with his palm still tingling from a lingering warmth.